Friday, June 25, 2010

More Photos from the First Work Session

Our First Work Session

We had our first work session last night. Everybody introduced themselves and wrote their bio for the credits section of Ten Lives in Queens County. We had some lively discussions generated by looking at other zines. Everyone is enthusiastic and has a lot of different view points regarding life in Queens. In four weeks, all of these differing view points will be unified into a tangible book artifact and a visual art exhibition. The differing view points will remain, differing view points.

We examined different written works and talked about how the writers used imagery to create a sense of place. At the end of the session, every one got an assignment to create something written, something visual or something written and visual.

Next week, we'll look at everyone's creations. We'll also explore some strategies to create collaborative works of art. If collaborations occur for the finished product, beautiful. If not, still beautiful.

Then, I , as the gentle encouraging, guiding force behind this project, will look at everyone's creation and gently encourage and guide the process along.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A life of its own

The project is taking on a life of its own, as it should. I originally wrote and submitted the proposal to the Queens Council on the Arts to include ten collaborators. I met a lot of people that seemed highly motivated and committed. I just had to raise the number to twelve. I guess I'll have to change the projects name, just not immediately.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Well, yes

So, I've interviewed all of the participants and we are ready top start work on Thursday June, 24. Hopefully we'll get some videos and photos on the Blog by Friday June 25.

This is becoming an interesting journey. I find myself doing and planning to do lots of things I've never done before.

I never interviewed people before. I never committed this much energy to a blog before. On my other blog, I write whenever I feel like it, which is unfortunately not that often.

I've never been a curator or an editor before. I'm planning to create performance oriented videos based on written work by the participants. I've never done that before.

I'm so excited, I can hardly sleep.


Welcome to Ten Lives in Queens County, the blog component of Ten Lives in Queens County: A Collaborative Zine. Ten Lives in Queens County: A Collaborative Zine is a publication and exhibition which will be edited and curated by Queens visual artist Paul Lambermont and funded in part by a Queens
Community Arts Fund Grant from Queens Council on the Arts.

The idea of this project is that I (Paul) find ten people who live in Queens County, New York. After I find a diverse group of participants, we meet for five sessions at Local Project Gallery Space in Long Island City New York. During the five sessions, we explore our lives in Queens County through Words and Images. After we create our Zine ( Code Words for a Do It Yourself Publication), all of our sketches, photos and rough drafts will arranged and organized by a curator (me!) and transformed into a visual arts exhibition. The Exhibition will take place at Local Project Gallery Space and will open on August 21, 2010.